What Are The Tax Benefits Of Owning A Rental Property?
Planning on investing in a rental property this year? Make sure to call The Lawhead Team! Though it may be a lot of work finding a tenant to rent your home to fixing minor to major repairs throughout the home, one of the best benefits of owning a rental property are the considerable tax deductions. […]
The Benefits Of Owning A Rental Property
Looking to own a rental property? Did you know there are many tax benefits when it comes to owning a rental property? Check them out below: Just about every expense associated with a rental property is deductible. The following are tax deductible costs associated with owning a rental property: Cleaning & Maintenance Homeowners insurance Mortgage […]
Investing In A Rental Property – What To Know?
Now is a great time to invest in a rental property. With home prices at an all time low and interest rates at the lowest they’ve been in years, it is the best time in years to invest in a rental property. Here are some tips to finding your first investment property and take advantage […]
News On Carbon Monoxide Detector Devices
Carbon Monoxide Detector Devices – Mandatory in every home. If you own rental properties, below is some important information regarding carbon monoxide detector devices installed in every “dwelling unit intended for human occupancy”. SB 183, effective July 1, 2011, is the California law requiring the installation of carbon monoxide detector devices. The law enacts the […]