Carbon Monoxide Detector Devices – Mandatory in every home.
If you own rental properties, below is some important information regarding carbon monoxide detector devices installed in every “dwelling unit intended for human occupancy”.
SB 183, effective July 1, 2011, is the California law requiring the installation of carbon monoxide detector devices. The law enacts the Carbon Monoxide Poisoning Prevention Act of 2010, which requires a carbon monoxide device (battery or hard-wired) to be installed in a “dwelling unit intended for human occupancy.” A violation is punishable by a maximum fine of $200 for each offense. Owners of residential rental property must also comply with this law. Tenants are responsible to notify the owner of an inoperable or deficient carbon monoxide device.
Carbon monoxide is a gas produced whenever any fuel, such as gas, oil, kerosene, wood, or charcoal, is burned. A person cannot see or smell carbon monoxide and at high levels carbon monoxide can kill a person in minutes. Every year lives are lost as a result of this silent killer, many of which could have been prevented by the installation of a fully functioning carbon monoxide detector device. The devices are available for purchase at numerous retail outlets such as Costco, Home Depot, Lowe’s and other home improvement and building supply stores, to name a few. A device is required for each floor of living space, so if you live in a multiple-story home, you’ll need to purchase one device for each floor.