A Foreclosure Free Holiday
No foreclosures this holiday season! The Lawhead Team would like to share a recent article from Realtor.com about Fannie and Freddie’s foreclosure free holiday: Fannie, Freddie Gift a Foreclosure-Free Holiday Daily Real Estate News | Wednesday, December 10, 2014 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac announced they plan to suspend evictions on foreclosed single-family properties nationwide […]
Buying After A Foreclosure
How soon can you buy a home after foreclosure. If you have experienced a foreclosure in the recent years, as many homeowners have, you may be surprised to find out you can buy a home sooner than you thought. The Lawhead Team came across a great article from Realtor.com discussing when you can apply for […]
Foreclosure Vs. Short Sale
Foreclosure Vs. Short Sale – Which Is Better? Are you wondering what type of sale, a foreclosure vs. short sale, will give you the best return on investment? It is often tough to decide which one will give you a better ROI but knowing the details about each type of sale, will help in making […]
Pro’s and Con’s Of Foreclosure Homes
Pro’s and Con’s of purchasing a foreclosure home from the bank. If you are in the market for a home, chances are most houses on the market are foreclosures. The Lawhead Team would like to share some pros and cons involved with buy a foreclosure property. Pro’s of buying a foreclosure property: Buy below value […]
Foreclosure rates in San Diego on a Decline
Foreclosure rates on a decline in San Diego. It is true! Foreclosure rates in San Diego County are on a decline. Check out this article The Lawhead Team came across from San Diego Channel 6, the CW. SAN DIEGO (CNS) – The number of San Diego County homes slipping toward foreclosure dropped by 1.4 percent […]
Buying A Home After A Recent Foreclosure
Buying a home after you have experienced foreclosure. If you have faced foreclosure in the past, looking into buying a new home might be a bit trickier than for others. The Lawhead Team would like to share some helpful tips to buying a home after you have faced foreclosure. Many of us have experienced some […]