The Latest For End Of The Year Housing In San Diego
HomeDexTM Report for the end of the year housing market.
The Lawhead Team would like to share the latest key points from the North San Diego County Association of Realtors for the housing market in San Diego County.
The median price for all North County home sales – attached and detached – decreased to $475,000 in November 2013 compared to $482,500 in October 2013.
Detached homes in North County decreased 5.44 percent to $539,000 in November 2013 compared to $570,000 in October 2013. Year-over median price for SFD housingin North San Diego County increased 11.25 percent, compared to $484,500 in November 2012, continuing a 16-month trend of year-over median price increases.
Detached housingprices OUTSIDE North County decreased 1.38 percent to $429,000 in November 2013 compared to $435,000 reported in October 2013. Year-over non-North County median price jumped 15.98 percent compared to $369,900 in November 2012, continuing a 20 month trend of year-over median price increases.
Attached home prices in North County rose 10.67 percent to $350,000 in November 2013 compared to $316,250 in October 2013. Year-over SFA North San Diego County median price jumped 30.84 percent, compared to $267,500 in November 2012, the 23 month of year over price increases.
Non-North County attached housingprices decreased 1.58 percent to $280,500 in November 2013 compared to $285,000 in October 2013. Year-over non-North County SFA median price increased 9.21 percent, compared to 256,850 in November 2012.
The number of North San Diego SFD listings (active and contingent) decreased 11.21 percent in November 2013 compared to October 2013, and decreased 5.12 percent year-over compared to November 2012 – the 27th straight month of year-over declines in listings.
The number of sold North San Diego County SFD units rose 13.95 percent in November 2013 compared to October 2013. Year-over sold SFD units declined 6.91 percent compared to November 2012.
Median days-on-market for single-family detached housingsold in North County increased to 32 days in November 2013 compared to 30 days in October 2013.
The HomeDex affordability percentage for all homes in North San Diego County – attached and detached – was 33 percent in November 2013.