The HomeDex’s key points for North San Diego County.
The Lawhead Team would like to share the latest stats from the California Association of Realtors® “HomeDex” Report for North San Diego County:
- The median price for all North County home sales – attached and detached – decreased to $508,250 in October 2014 compared to $513,500 in September 2014.
- Detached homes in North County decreased by 5.83 percent to $565,000 in October 2014 compared to $600,000 in September 2014. Year-over median price for SFD homes in North San Diego County decreased 0.88 percent, compared to $570,000 in October 2013, countering 26-months of year-over median price increases.
- Detached home prices OUTSIDE North County decreased 0.98 percent to $462,500 in October 2014 compared to $467,000 reported in September 2014. Year-over non-North County median price increased 6.32 percent compared to $435,000 in October 2013, continuing 31-months of year-over median price increases.
- Attached home prices in North County increased by three percent to $386,250 in October 2014 compared to $381,100 in September 2014. Year-over SFA North San Diego County median price jumped 22.13 percent, compared to $316,250 in October 2013, continuing 33 straight months of year over price increases.
- Non-North County attached home prices decreased 2.5 percent to $312,000 in October 2014 compared to $320,000 in September 2014. Year-over non-North County SFA median price increased 9.47 percent, compared to 285,000 in October 2013.
- The number of North San Diego SFD listings (active and contingent) decreased 5.25 percent in October 2014 compared to September 2014, and jumped 19.35 percent year-over compared to October 2013.
- The number of sold North San Diego County SFD units increased 8.29 percent in October 2014 compared to September 2014. Year-over sold SFD units decreased 1.18 percent compared to October 2013.
- Median days-on-market for single-family detached homes sold in North County increased to 34 days in October 2014 compared to 27 days in September 2014.
- The HomeDex affordability percentage for all homes in North San Diego County – attached and detached – remained at 32 percent in October 2014.