The latest housing affordability statistics.
The Lawhead Team would like to share the latest housing affordability statistics for detached and attached homes in North San Diego area:
Housing Affordability – Single-Family Detached Homes
- The monthly payment – including principal, interest, property taxes, and insurance – for the median-priced SFD home in North San Diego County increased, to $2,895 in November 2014 (based on a conventional mortgage) from $2,826 in October 2014. The monthly payment for the median-priced SFD home in non-North San Diego County increased, to $2,354 in November 2014 from $2,313 in October 2014.
The percent of San Diego County households that could afford the median-priced SFD home in North County fell, to 27 percent in November 2014 from 28 percent in October 2014, according to the North San Diego County HomeDex; the housing affordability percentage in non-North County zip codes also decreased, to 36 percent in November 2014 from 37 percent in October 2014.
- The affordability percentage was 27 percent in North San Diego County and 38 percent in non-North San Diego County in November 2013.
- The HomeDexTM housing affordability percentage for all homes in North San Diego County – single-family detached and single-family attached together – increased to 33 percent in November 2014, from 32 percent in October 2014TM
Housing Affordability – Single-Family Attached Homes
- The monthly payment – including principal, interest, property taxes, and insurance – for the median-priced SFA home in North County decreased from $1,932 in October 2014 to $1,921 in November 2014. The monthly payment for the median-priced SFA home in non-North San Diego County zip codes increased, from $1,561 in October 2014 to $1,588 in November 2014.
- The percent of San Diego County households able to afford the median-priced SFA home in North County increased, to 46 percent in November 2014 from 45 percent in October 2014.
- The SFA housing affordability level for non-North San Diego County zip code declined, from 56 percent in October 2014 to 55 percent in November 2014.
- 47 percent of county households were able to afford the median-priced SFA home in North San Diego County in November 2013, with 58 percent able to afford the median-priced SFA home in non-North County zip codes in November 2013.