The latest in pricing for a Single-Family Attached Home in North San Diego County.
If you are looking for a condo or town home in the North San Diego area, continue reading to see what the latest scoop is for single family attached homes:
The North San Diego County median-priced single-family attached (SFA) homedecreased 0.59 percent, to $337,000 in January 2014 from $339,000 in December 2013. Non-North San Diego County SFA home median price increased 1.06 percent, from $282,000 in December 2013 to $285,000 in January 2014.
North San Diego County SFA median price increased 18.25 percent year-over, compared to $285,000 in January 2013 – the 25th month of a year-over price increases. Non-North County SFA median year-over price increased 25.55 percent, from $227,000 in January 2013.
San Diego County SFA homemedian price increased 1.67 percent, to $305,000 in January 2014 from $300,000 in December 2013. Year-over county median price increased 24.49 percent compared to January 2013.
The median number of days-on-market for North County SFA homes sold increased, to 36 days in January 2014 from 29 days in December 2013. The average number of days-on-market increased to 54 in January 2014, from 49 days in December 2013.
The number of sold SFA home units dropped 21.15 percent in January 2014 from December 2103; the number of sold SFA units in non-North County Zip Codes fell 12.98 percent in January 2014 from December 2013.
Year-over SFA sales in North San Diego County increased 1.38 percent, compared to January 2013. Non-North County year-over sold units increased 2.75, compared to January 2013.
SFA home listings (active and contingent) in North San Diego County increased 7.01 percent in January 2014 from December 2013, and decreased 7.22 percent yearover compared to January 2013.
San Diego County SFA listings (active and contingent) increased 4.54 percent in January 2014 from December 2013, and decreased 2.58 percent year-over compared to January 2013.