Check the article out below to see what type of home you can afford in North San Diego County.
The Lawhead Team would like to share the North San Diego County Homedex Report’s Housing Affordability report for single family detached and attached homes. Read below to see what type of home in North San Diego County you can afford:
Housing Affordability – Single-Family Detached Homes:
- The monthly payment – including principal, interest, property taxes, and insurance – for the median-priced SFD home in North San Diego County increased, from $2,902 in January 2014 (based on a conventional mortgage) to $2,913 in February 2014. The monthly payment for the median-priced SFD home in non-North San Diego County increased, from $2,196 in January 2014 to $2,214 in February 2014.
- The percent of San Diego County households that could afford the median-priced SFD home in North County remained at 26 percent in February 2014, according to the North San Diego County HomeDexTM; the affordability percentage remained at 38 percent in February 2014 in non-North County zip codes.
- The affordability percentage was 36 percent in North San Diego County and 47 percent in non-North San Diego County in February 2013.
- The HomeDexTM affordability percentage for all homes in North San Diego County – single-family detached and single-family attached together – remained 33 percent in February 2014.
Housing Affordability – Single-Family Attached Homes
- The monthly payment – including principal, interest, property taxes, and insurance – for the median-priced SFA home in North County decreased, to $1,657 in February 2014 from $1,717 in January 2014. The monthly payment for the median-priced SFA home in non-North San Diego County zip codes increased, to $1,522 in February 2014 from $1,452 in January 2014.
- The percent of San Diego County households able to afford the median-priced SFA home in North County increased, from 50 percent in January 2014 to 52 percent in February 2014.
- The SFA home affordability level for non-North San Diego County zip code decreased to 55 percent in February 2014, from 57 percent in January 2014.
- 59 percent of county households were able to afford the median-priced SFA home in North San Diego County in in February 2013, and 71 percent were able to afford the median-priced SFA home in non-North County zip codes.
Check out entire article to see what you can afford at the HomeDexTM Report