Foreclosure Vs. Short Sale
Foreclosure Vs. Short Sale – Which Is Better? Are you wondering what type of sale, a foreclosure vs. short sale, will give you the best return on investment? It is often tough to decide which one will give you a better ROI but knowing the details about each type of sale, will help in making […]
The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act and Debt Cancellation
The Fiscal Cliff and its impact on the Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act. The Lawhead Team has been staying up to date with the upcoming fiscal cliff and would like to share with our readers how it pertains to the housing recovery, particularly the mortgage forgiveness debt relief act. Impact of the Fiscal Cliff, by […]
Is a short sale right for you?
Short sale properties – What you need to know. If you are looking to buy a home in the near future, there is a good chance a lot of the properties you look at will be short sales. The Lawhead Team would like to share some helpful short sale tips for prospective buyers. A short […]
Recovering From A Short Sale
Lawhead Team’s guest blogger shares her recent short sale story. As a guest writer for The Lawhead Team’s blog, I’d like to share my experience in dealing with my condo in North San Diego County and its recent short sale. I had originally purchased my newly renovated condo in 2005, at a young age of […]
New Short Sale Guidelines for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
New Fannie and Freddie short sale guidelines. Just yesterday we received a letter from the California Association of Realtors (C.A.R.) announcing new Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Short Sale Guidelines. See below: Over the course of the past year and a half, C.A.R. has been working vigorously to address your concerns related to short sale […]
Buying A Home After A Recent Foreclosure
Buying a home after you have experienced foreclosure. If you have faced foreclosure in the past, looking into buying a new home might be a bit trickier than for others. The Lawhead Team would like to share some helpful tips to buying a home after you have faced foreclosure. Many of us have experienced some […]
Military Homeowners Get A Break On Short Sales
Military homeowners benefit from new short sale guidelines. There are some new guidelines being put in place for short sales and one of the beneficial ones has to do with military homeowners. Check out the article from DS News about the new guideline for military homeowners to make short sales an easier process to sell […]
More Foreclosures On The Horizon?
More foreclosures to be released in North County? Interesting article we came across from The North County Times about the possibility for more foreclosures to be released in the near future. Analysts say foreclosures could rise sharply in coming months as government and lenders tighten the screws on borrowers who can’t make payments. While the […]
Tips To Get You Through The Short Sale Process
What to know when looking to buy a short sale home. With Short Sales making up a large majority of the real estate market, home buyers are forced to consider purchasing a short sale property. While buying a short sale may not be the most pleasant real estate transaction, it is still doable and The […]
Short Sale Process Streamlined
Short Sale process streamlined to help both borrowers and communities. As a buyer looking at purchasing a new home, putting an offer on a short sale may not always sound appealing. Usually, it is due to the fact that short sales are usually are longer buying process than a standard sale or bank owned home […]