Seller Slip Ups
Planning to sell soon? Don’t fall victim to these “seller slip ups”. The Lawhead Team would like to share the latest One Cool Thing about some common mistakes a seller will make when selling their home:
How Home Sellers Handled Multiple Offers
Home sellers and multiple offers. California Association of Realtor’s latest One Cool Thing’s discusses how home sellers handled multiple offers. If you were a recent home seller, how did you handle multiple offers? The average number of offers received from buyers in the last few years were: In 2013, 98% of home sellers received multiple […]
Top 10 Biggest Mistakes Home Sellers Make
Popular home seller mistakes. If you plan on selling your home this year, The Lawhead Team has a recent article they found for all home sellers! Remember to call The Lawhead Team for all your home buying and selling needs. Real Estate Agents Rank Biggest Home Seller Mistakes A recent survey of real estate agents […]