Home clean up tips for the holidays.
Even if you aren’t expecting company for the Holidays, there always seems to be the case where company will end up showing up randomly and you are in a panic to do a quick home clean up sweep around the house.
The Lawhead Team would like to share some helpful home clean up tips for unexpected company during the holidays.
- First and foremost, prioritize! When performing your home clean up, arrange your tasks in order of those most important or most noticeable. Clearing the clutter from the rooms where you will entertain is probably near the top of your list, while vacuuming under furniture is at the bottom.
- Do a little at a time to get a head start. Start your home clean up by writing down the deadline on your calendar and work toward your goal each day. Do a little at a time. Start with the things you consider most important. If you don’t finish, make sure the tasks you miss aren’t things that will make you crazy.
- Time each task. Set a timer allowing a realistic time for each task. If one is taking too long you might want to move to a higher priority task.
- Simply clear the clutter. Since getting the clutter off the floors and furniture is a priority, you might want to start there. Grab a trash bag and wander around the areas where you will entertain. Remember that anything you throw away will never have to be cleaned, dusted or put away again. If you don’t use it, toss it.
- Out of place items need a home. Make sure you schedule a time to put these items in their proper place during your home clean up.
- Have the kids help. Gather your children to help round up their toys and return them to their rooms. Any toys that are left will end up in Mom’s basket may not be seen for a while.
- Put things away or stash them temporarily. Return everything to it’s proper place or just hide baskets away until after company’s gone.
- Vacuum the important areas. Limit yourself to the high-traffic and middle-of-the-room areas. If you are moving furniture, you’re doing it wrong during a quick home clean up.
- Got dishes in the sink? Load the dishwasher. A dishwasher can hide your unwashed dishes and get you out of the kitchen quickly.
- Take a final look around your house. Go outside and take a deep breath. Enter through the front door and look around. Gather up any last-minute clutter. Wipe any remaining spots. Close cupboard doors. Put away any cleaning supplies you have left out. Walk through the areas where you will entertain.
- Allow yourself time to get ready. Don’t forget to allow some time to get yourself ready after your home clean up — relax, wash your hands and face, comb through your hair, whatever will make you feel ready for company. Take time to get yourself ready — but not so much time that you notice every imperfection.
- Remember what this time is really about – friends and family. Last, but not least, remember that your guests came to visit you, not to judge your housekeeping skills.