Make your home more ignition resistant to help protect it from wildfires!
The Lawhead Team would like to share these tips on how you can help to prevent wildfires from the California Association of Realtors.
Mother Nature was not kind to California in 2017, with wildfires breaking out in all parts of the state, even during the non-tradional wildfire season. Fire officials say that most homes that burn during a wildfire aren’t ignited by dry brush, but instead by embers landing on the roof, through vents, or on decks and porches.
1. Secure Your Roof
The roof can be the most vulnerable because of the large surface area. Roofs made of metal or asphalt are generally safe, as the most dangerous roof type is one made of wood shingles. Check with a local building inspector to see if yours is up to date.
2. Add Metal Mesh To Vents
Homes sold have 1/8th inch of metal screening over vents to prevent embers that might enter the building.
3. Use Tempered Glass For Windows
Windows fail because of the amount of heat on the full pane of the glass. The glass might shatter resulting in heat directly entering the house. Double-pane glass protects the inner one to some degree, but tempered glass material prevents glass from fully breaking.
4. Clear Vegetation
Combustible materials should be kept at least 5 feet away from walls, paying special attention to much which can catch fire and grow.
5. Avoid Flammable Patio Furniture
Wooden decks and furniture are especially vulnerable. Build a deck with ignition resistant materials. They last longer and take less maintenance than wooden ones.
Source: National Fire Protection Association