Pool cleaning tips for summer.
Summer is just around the corner and it is time to break out those bathing suits and enjoy your pool!
Be the envy of your neighbors with the most sparkly pool on the block!
- When your pool is getting a lot of use, you should check your pool’s chemistry multiple times a week to make sure it has the correct balance.
- Clean your pool out with a skimmer basket. During the summer you may have to do this a little more. Make sure to check the lint pot inside the pump every couple weeks and clean it out as necessary. Turn off the pump in order to do this.
- When you pool is in heavy use, you may have to water more frequently. Check the water levels on a monthly basis and add water as needed.
- The chlorine dispense should be checked every week to make sure it is operating properly.
- Filters in the pool should be checked every 4-6 months. If your pool’s cleaning system isn’t working as it should, your filters may need to be cleaned.
- Water in the pool needs to circulate in order to maintain the correct chemical balance. Run the pump for 8-10 hours a day to move water and maintain the balance.
- Never overfill your swimming pool. The water level should come up the level of the skimmer opening but no more, since anything over the skimmer opening will mean a poor skimming job.
- Vacuum often. This will remove heavy debris from your swimming pool so your filter is not clogged or overworked.
- Shower before getting in the pool and be mindful of lotions, hair dyes and chemicals, and elements such as these.