What to know when moving from one home to another.
While purchasing your new home can be a fun and exciting time, moving all your goods from one house to another can big a huge pain.
It is, however, something that needs to be done so The Lawhead Team would like to share some helpful moving tips:
- Account for everyone in your family – Including pets! Make sure to include your pet in your move – many dogs and cats get lost or run away when people relocate. Make sure you consider their concern and include them in the move.
- Tell people you are moving – Notify your family, friends and professional associates you are moving and give them your new address. You can either email them or give them a phone call. Of course there may be some you’d like to keep in the dark – and that is quite fine!
- Pack important documents in one place – Collect your passports, children’s medical and shot records, address books and so forth into one box. This way you aren’t searching through multiple boxes to find the key information you may need.
- Leave your old house clean – If you are leaving a rental home or apartment, make sure to clean it thoroughly and patch holes in the wall. This way you will get your full deposit back.
- Change of address – Notify the post office of your address change. This way mail will be forwarded to your new address temporarily while you have a chance to notify your bills and so forth that are sent to your home.
- Contact Utilities – Letting the utility companies that service your home know you are moving will make it simple and easy for you to have your utilities shut off right when you move out. Contacting you utility providers in your new home’s town will make for a smooth transition from one place to another, ensuring your electricity and so forth are on when you are moving.
- Sort through what you don’t need – Moving is a great opportunity to throw out or sell what you haven’t used in a long time and do not need anymore. You can either have a garage sale or take your unwanted items to Goodwill.
- Unplug the fridge – A day before you make your move, unplug the fridge and clean it out. This gives the freezer an opportunity to thaw out so you can wipe down and dry all the surfaces, avoiding mold.
- Label boxes with detail – Pack up one room at a time. It will be much easier to unpack your boxes if you know what room you are going to be bringing each box into. If you are moving into a two story house and the kitchen is on the first floor, you’d want to make sure your “kitchen” boxes remain downstairs where they belong.
- Lastly, line up movers – You may be hiring a moving company or simply have very nice friends that volunteered to help you move. If you hire a company, make sure to find out upfront what they charge and find out exactly what they will and will not move.