Hosting an open house? This is a must read for homeowners along with Realtors.
The Lawhead Team recently came across this article from the Associated Press regarding the latest trend when hosting an open house – drug abusers stealing prescription medication.
San Diego real estate agents: Open houses fall prey to prescription drug abusers.
By: The Associated Press
SAN DIEGO — San Diego authorities and local real estate agents say prescription drug abusers are preying on open houses and raiding medicine cabinets to feed their addictions.
Law enforcement, a local Realtor association and drug rehabilitation experts announced Tuesday that they have teamed up to launch public service ads on local TV and radio stations to raise awareness about prescription drug abuse and the ways addicts obtain the drugs, including by going to open houses.
The Greater San Diego Association of Realtors plans to provide its 12,000 members plastic bags to collect the prescription drugs at homes.
Officials do not track the cases stemming from open houses but District Attorney Bonnie Dumanis said prescription drug cases have risen nearly 85 percent over the past five years in the county.
Read more on the “San Diego real estate agents: Open houses fall prey to prescription drug abusers” article.
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