October’s HomeDex report – housing affordability for single family detached homes.
The Lawhead Team would like to share some statistics from the HomeDex report on Housing Affordability in North San Diego County.
Check out the following housing affordability statistics for single family detached homes:
Housing Affordability: The monthly payment – including principal, interest, property taxes, and insurance – for the median-priced SFD home in North San Diego County increased from $2,187 in August 2012 (based on a conventional mortgage) to $2,281 in September 2012. The monthly payment for the median-priced SFD home in Non-North San Diego County increased to $1,734 in September 2012 from $1,722 in August 2012.
Housing Affordability: The percent of San Diego County households that could afford the median-priced SFD home in North County decreased from 36 percent in August 2012 to 34 percent in September 2012, according to the North San Diego County HomeDexTM. The affordability percentage in Non-North County zip codes remained at 47 percent for the fifth month.
Housing Affordability: In September 2011, the affordability percentage was 32 percent North San Diego County and 45 percent in Non-North San Diego County.
Housing Affordability: The HomeDexTM affordability percentage for all homes in North San Diego County – single-family detached and single-family attached together – remained at 41 percent in September 2012.
The Lawhead Team strives to stay on top of the most current and relative information for North San Diego home buyers and sellers. If you have any questions about housing in San Diego, please feel free to call or email us.