Spring time is here and it is time for spring cleaning.
Now is the time for Spring Cleaning! Set a day aside to get your house looking it’s best for the warmer months with the following tips:
- Organize your closet: This is the first step to organizing the rest of your home. Clear out unused clothing and accessories and organize by how you get dressed in the morning. It is also useful to organize your clothes by color and style.
- Shine up your stainless steel: Use a light mist of wax-based aerosol spray once or twice a week. Don’t use too much, you don’t want to soak the surface and make it greasy. Wipe the mist with a clean, lint-free cloth. Don’t use anything abrasive such as Soft Scrub or Scotch Brite pads. This will scratch and ruin the surface.
- Remove oils and marks from walls in your home: Start with a clean cloth or sponge and water. You can add a little dish-washing liquid into the water if you have stubborn wall marks. After cleaning, make sure to rinse the wall afterward with plain water. This is a great once a year spring cleaning thing to do.
- Give your interior a different look: Make a fast easy change with bedding, towels and table linens to create a different mood. You can also switch things out seasonally or whenever you want to play with a certain color or pattern, not just during spring cleaning.
- Clean your carpets: Always take your shoes off when you get home but leave your socks on because your bare feet leave natural oils which attract dirt. For high traffic areas, bring in a professional carpet cleaner 3-4 times a year. If only once a year, make it a point to do this during your spring cleaning activities.
- Reorganize your shelves: Sort your books on your bookshelf so they don’t look uniform. Remove any ripped dust jackets. Line your books horizontally and vertically in a pattern to relieve monotony or rows.
Take on one task at a time: It’s exciting to get started spring cleaning and sometimes you may tend to get distracted with various projects throughout the house. It is incredibly helpful and sanity-saving to work on one area at a time. Inadvertently, piles of stuff will migrate to other rooms in your house, but those can be tackled when you get to them.
- Start at the top and work to the bottom: Let gravity make your job easier by working with it! Start at the ceiling by dusting the ceiling fan or light fixture then get all the spider webs off the crown molding. Work your way down the walls, over the furniture, all the way to the baseboards and flooring when spring cleaning.
Do you have some spring cleaning tips? We’d love to hear them! Comment on our blog to tell us your spring cleaning suggestions.